Monday, December 26, 2011


Leaders and Leadership in the Future

If you were to stand on the mountain top and observed the world, what would you see in the world 2day? . . .

I’ll tell you what you’d see;
you’ll see a world full of injustice, a world full of suffering due to poverty, a world in which children are left to fend for themselves as orphans on the streets, a world filled with the socially isolated and invisible;

A world in which children are left to grow into adulthood with their foolishness still bound up in them, a world in which the prophesy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, [“… children to be their princes and babes shall rule over them”]

A world in which the whole of creation is held captive, a world in which people have put off restraint, a world encapsulated in dense darkness!       Aha!!! –

What has caused such a dark view of the world?  The Shepherds, Watchmen and Commanders charged with teaching, guiding and leading the people of the nations of the earth have been measured and found wanting.

The Shepherd of the people only feed themselves; the weak they don’t strengthen, the sick they don’t providing healing for, the hurt and broken they don’t bandage up, the strayed and lost are not sought or brought back into society; yet they rule over the people with force and hardhearted harshness.

The Watchmen don’t warn or dissuade men from their wicked ways, so as to receive the glory of men and find favor in their eyes.

The Commanders eat in the morning not for strength but for drunkenness! By much slothfulness the buildings are decaying.

What now! Where’s the Hope? Is there Hope? Yes! There is Hope!

It’s in the right kind of Leadership. Leadership is a divine virtue, the role of Shepherd [Guide, Teacher, Counselor, Father, Mother …], Watchman [Pastor, Priest, Prophet] and Commander [King, Queen, Prime Minister, President, CEO, Principal, Lecturer], are all leadership roles and responsibilities given to man to rule and live in righteousness.

A majority of Leaders 2day have replaced the divine virtues (principle, and qualities for) of leadership with mans definition, the practices of leadership, this is wrong.

Yes! It is true, that Leaders may and will have varying School of thought on leadership, Skills of leadership and Styles of leadership, and their application of leadership will change with respect to what a situation dictates and/or demands; yet to start our walk back into the light and the rightwiseness of living, each and every Leader no matter the level or position must embrace Tenths and Qualities for Leadership, such as:
1.      Love
2.      Truth
3.      Righteousness
4.      Strength [Power & Might]
5.      Maturity of Character
6.      Uprightness
7.      Justice

What do you think of Francis’ opinion? Give us your views

Coming soon Webinar Sessions with Francis


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